Put simply, robo advisors are websites that dole out automated financial advice online. These “Do-It-Yourself” sites are readily available and threaten to disrupt the way your clients receive financial planning and advice. Will software and new technology solutions replace traditional Financial Advisors?
eMoney Advisor’s informative AdvisorFocus newsletter provides the latest insight into the robo advisor trend with these thought-provoking articles!:
- 5 Ways Robo Advisors Will Change the Way Advisors Work
- The Advisor’s Changing Relationship with Technology
- Things You Won’t Hear From a Robo Advisor
- Robo Advisors and Clients’ Evolving Needs
- 5 Things Human Advisors Do That Robo Advisors Can’t
Download the convenient PDF file and read the full-length articles here!
For the latest industry trends and leading practices, check out eMoney Advisor’s range of helpful resources for professional financial advisors here.