Traditional Advisor vs. Robo Advisor: Keeping the Humanity in Financial Planning

photo: eMoney
Robo advisors are websites that dole out automated financial advice online. These “Do-It-Yourself” sites are readily available and threaten to disrupt the way your clients receive financial planning and advice.
Professional financial advisors employ technology to enhance their expertise, not supersede it. The result is personalized financial advice that puts the advisor – client relationship at the center of the equation.
After all, qualified financial advisors know their clients’ unique needs and goals far better than any computer program.
Whether you think robo advisors are the latest trend that will eventually disappear, or a look into the future of financial advising; robo advisors will impact the way advisors and clients communicate.
Raef Lee, Managing Director for the SEI Advisor Network, discusses how robo advisors alter the landscape and how seasoned financial advisors can confidently adapt in 5 Ways Robo Advisors Will Change the Way Advisors Work.
For the latest industry trends and leading practices, check out eMoney Advisor’s range of helpful resources for professional financial advisors here.